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Posts : 326
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Phoenix Crystal Skulls! Empty Phoenix Crystal Skulls!

Sun Jul 11, 2021 6:12 pm
Phoenix crystal skulls...
I feel these are quite a different ballgame. I have the regular crystal skulls, a raven crystal skull, and now the first of two phoenix skulls.
It came in yesterday, the other will arrive Tuesday. Both are made from flower agate.

Today I feel I can connect with it better. Yesterday I wasn't feeling too well and I found it impossible to connect or get anything from it.
It is an -to me- unusual colour of flower agate: it's like a darker aubergine/burgundy mix, then slightly transparent as that's what flower agate is, with pinkish-white fossil "flowers".
I don't think I've ever seen a specimen in that colour.

In any case, the shapes of the phoenix skulls you can buy varies quite a bit. Some are shorter and a bit higher, so the beak is shorter, more like a bird of prey.
Mine has a longer beak.
It's really choosing what you like cos after all we have no reference to what a Phoenix should look like.
And I guess that how the differences in carving come into being too.
Mine is also not huge, it's petite, some 8,5cm length and 3,5 cm high.

The shop had them carved for them as they had them before and sold like hot cakes. So they ordered loads more to be carved. I don't think you can get them anywhere else? I've searched the net, just out of curiosity, nothing.

As for what I feel, not entirely sure yet. But it does feel like my (energetic) Phoenix is closer in presence again. He is huge, and a very ethereal aqua/turquoise in colour.
It is odd to have difficulty feeling the skull's energy as off late I have found it remarkably easy to channel the energy and story of a crystal.

For now I'll end with adding the photo from the shop with a lot of Phoenix skulls so you have a bit of an idea.
There are Avalonite ones, flower agate, and ivory white jade.

Phoenix Crystal Skulls! Feniksen
Posts : 326
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Phoenix Crystal Skulls! Empty Re: Phoenix Crystal Skulls!

Sun Jul 11, 2021 8:58 pm
And I got my message from my Phoenix skull! It was deep and it really moved me.
Funny thing is, he feels more gentle now that we connected? He has a very powerful masculine energy. It felt very focused and strong. Now he still feels strong but in a gentler way.
I'm very happy with him and also very happy we connected!
Posts : 326
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Phoenix Crystal Skulls! Empty Re: Phoenix Crystal Skulls!

Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:59 pm
Shortly after the first Phoenix skull I got a second one in, also a flower agate but lighter in colour.
And a few weeks later I went to the shop for something and in the back of my mind I had the plan to check out the white Ivory jade Phoenix skulls. And of course I got one as well. I love Phoenix, AND I love white jade!
I'm still crazy about my 3 Phoenixes! I hold them regularly as well Happy
Posts : 326
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Phoenix Crystal Skulls! Empty Re: Phoenix Crystal Skulls!

Thu Sep 30, 2021 1:02 pm
Not long after I got my 3rd Phoenix, the first ivory jade one, I went back to the shop for something else. But in the back of my mind I had hope of finding a small ivory jade Phoenix skull to add to the others.
I found the rainbow calcite point (with lots of yellow!) that I wanted. Then I went to the Phoenixes, saw one that seemed to really resonate, but I was tired, had some issue on my mind, and I wasn't sure. So I left it. And ended up regretting it when home.  Rolling Eyes
I went back the next day or day after, hoping it'd still be there, but it had gone. I had told myself on the way over that if it was meant for me it'd be there still. I truly believe in that, but I was very disappointed it had gone nonetheless. But I chose another small ivory jade Phoenix and I'm happy with it. It has a sweet inner child-like energy. It matches really well with the larger jade Phoenix. He feels to be the mentor & guardian of the smaller one?

Now I have 4, and I feel utterly happy with them! They're a nice group together.
I feel most strongly drawn to the first one, a dark red-brown flower agate with the typical white-pinkish flowers, and the larger ivory jade Phoenix. But without the other 2 it wouldn't be the same. It really feels these 4 had to be together.

As it is I don't feel a need or longing to get another one, which is good as they're as good as sold out at the mo I believe.
It's good to have peace inside. No urge and longing to buy anything.

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Phoenix Crystal Skulls! Empty Re: Phoenix Crystal Skulls!

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