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New Moon & Partial Solar Eclips June 10th Empty New Moon & Partial Solar Eclips June 10th

Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:14 pm
Tomorrow is new moon, which can affect you, but we're also having a partial solar eclipse which will enhance the energy.

But a New Moon combined with a Solar Eclipse represents a new beginning for the coming 6 months. It’s the end and beginning of something new; almost like a celestial reset button that has been hit. It’s the perfect time to make some insane quantum leaps in your life!
You may feel drawn to look back on your life and get clarity on what you’ve accomplished the past period. A solar eclipse has the tendency to reveal the consequences of your past actions and inactions.

Take some time to look at it all and ask yourself what it has brought you? How fare have you come? What progress have you made? And how happy are you with where you stand right now?

This section from:
Scroll down until you see "What is the Spiritual Meaning of the Solar Eclipse?" The read it all.

I'm including another link in case you wish to read more of the energetic workings of it:


Happy new moon & partial solar eclipse!!
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