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The Day Out of Time - 25 July Empty The Day Out of Time - 25 July

Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:48 pm
Today is the Day Out of Time, according to the Maya calendar.
I don't celebrate anything in particular on that day, some do. But it does feel a bit odd today.
Could be coincidence, but I don't really believe in that.

It feels like things are standing still. Like everything is holding its breath. A vibe of "now now" or "not yet, wait for it... wait for it..."
It's dead quiet here as well. I don't even hear birds.
It doesn't feel bad, just odd.
It doesn't feel like the energy is devoid of good things. Rather, it's like everything is pregnant with life, but simply just waiting, holding on for it to be the right time to move again.

That's my interpretation.
Yours can be entirely different Happy

More on the Day Out of Time here:

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