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Age : 58

How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity! Empty How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity!

Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:44 pm
I've been very busy with neuroplasticity the last week and a half.
Now I've been learning about this, applying it on and of, for a few years but now I really feel like getting on with it, to follow through with the process.

And I'm beginning to see that so many things are neuroplasticity even though the person ( for instance a coach) doesn't realise it or doesn't mention it. To be honest, in a way everything in life is neuroplasticity, and oftentimes the lack of it, by which I mean living in negativity (judgement, whinging & whining, not feeling happy, lack of self-love and so on).

Law of Attraction is also working with neuroplasticity. So everything that Esther Hicks teaches, even though she doesn't call it that.
In 2015 someone gave me a tip to watch Esther's interview with Wayne Dyer. I did, and was sold! I spent the next approx. 4 months watching clips by Abe/Esther on YouTube. At the time you still had the full workshop weekends on there, so anything from 7-12 hr long vids. I watched them all!
Since I don't work I watched the entire day, every day, for the duration of 4 months.
The results were astounding! Now I hadn't aimed for those results, they just happened as I took it all in and got to a higher and higher and higher vibration.
The exact thing that Joe Dispenza explains beautifully and in depth in all of his work and many interviews, I changed and with that my reality changed.
I was happy and feeling good 24/7, nothing could get me off of my high flying disk. The opposite happened: I uplifted other people wherever I went without intending too.
And sometimes I did intent to, just by smiling at the tired youngster behind the cash-register for instance, a few friendly words to that person that isn't even regarded or seen by the many people that walk past them every day.
Whenever I did, their face lit up and it filled my heart with Joy to have brightened their day, even if for a brief minute.
I complemented people, one day a woman who was wearing a coat in the colour I absolutely love! Instead of walking past her without seeming notice, I commented on it. She looked at me and I got a big smile. She too lit up. I'd made her day, and she mine.
Giving is receiving!

Then one day I was on foot on my way back from the supermarket. As I looked around I suddenly noticed that everything looked different. Brighter, intenser, colours were clearer. I blinked and shook my head, but still the same. It was as if a very thin veil had been lifted off of the world. One so thin you normally don't see it when on a lower vibration.
The most amazing experience!
An elderly lady and her grandchild (I assume), a toddler, on the other side of the street suddenly turned their heads to look straight at me as if nudged by some energetic ray. Immediately smiles appeared on their faces. I smiled back and we greeted each other.
Now you can greet a stranger when on low(er) vibration, but the feeling of it and of the exchange isn't the same. This was a brief connection from Heart to Heart.

In any case, at some point I lost it when someone close to me me to the bone.
I've never been at that high vibration again since.
Now the other day Joe Dispenza explained something very interesting: it begins with making new pathways, networks, in the brain. He even shows footage of what that looks like, totally amazing to watch!
It takes time to establish such a new neural network, doing something once or twice isn't enough to make that happen.
Now when you're there it eventually sinks into the cerebellum, which is when you embody it, are it, meaning you are that new person automatically. It has totally embedded itself within your brain.
Since I was on such an incredibly high vibration, but in a relatively short time, and then lost it, I think I had created the new neural networks, completely, but it hadn't completely finished being embedded in the cerebellum yet.
Not sure, but that could be it.

And then now busy with it again. It feels good.
I had started with a method that's about a specific ailment. At first it was great, but then it got me out of whack and my ailments flared up worse than they'd done in a long time.
I managed to alleviate that to normal levels with other energy tools I have, but of course it's not the idea to have that happen with something that's supposed to help me.
So I decided to give that a break, and turn to Joe Dispenza again, which is what I've been doing the last few days.

And then yesterday had a big big, major breakthrough while listening to something he was explaining. It caused a very painful strong jolt in my upperback muscle, likely trapezius. I managed to get that cramp & pain out of my system with energy tools I have, worked a charm within a minute.
I think the insight / breakthrough opened the back of my Heart chakra. It was a tremendous release, which caused that muscle to respond.
Later on in the evening I chose to do an EFT tapping session on the subject to wire the new "I am safe!" into my brain and body.
I will do that same session again after I had my dinner. She was great btw, Renee Millman. Incorporating Higher Self, Inner Child, a crystal etc. etc. Totally gels with me, as does her energy Happy

Now each time I think about the insight I feel my Heart opening again, I smile, and the entire front of my body energetically shifts, opens, softens.
I'm happy, feeling good!
Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts

Last edited by RainbowLight on Sun Dec 25, 2022 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 332
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity! Empty Re: How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity!

Sun Dec 25, 2022 10:19 am
I've just done a walking meditation for the first time. Barely out of it.
It's really great to do! The one I went for is very upbeat, with drums & binaural beats, fast rhythm.
The introductory med is about 20 mins, then it's walking. I'd already put my shoes on and when the walking started I got into my coat, put a shawl on and out I went.
It should last 30 mins, then the outro during which you have to lay down. But then when I'd walked approx. 15 mins he said, "Stop! Close your eyes!"
I was confused, I was in the middle of the village on a pedestrian/cyclist bridge, haha.
I stood for a moment, then continued walking but slower this time, still focusing on the energy and the words he spoke.
I'd barely gotten home, out of coat and shoes, when he said to start walking again and the rhythm got faster again as well??! Haha. So back to walking for another 10 mins or so, which I didn't do btw.
So clearly it's something you have to schedule and plan!
20 mins med at home with shoes on, then a walk that takes 15 mins tops and making sure you're back home by that time. Not taking coat off but sitting or standing for the 10 mins slow meditation, then back outdoors for a shorter walk (10 mins) to be back home in time to lie down.

I guess this is very easy when he's doing it somewhere in Mexico, lol.
But here in winter time it takes planning and isn't that easy to do!
Yet, I did enjoy it And I will do it again.
Posts : 332
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity! Empty Re: How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity!

Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:44 pm
The sun was shining so I decided to go for the Walking Meditation again!
I timed the walks better this time, but it's still a little awkward to totally surrender when in the back of your head you're thinking, "Will I make it back home?"
I found out too that when you are back the 2nd time after the 2nd shorter walk you again have to stand with eyes closed. I remembered it was lying down as soon as you got back. So I was confused. Nevertheless did the eyes closed part but I felt I was done with it at some point, and exactly then he said to lie down, haha.
I decided to forego that part this time. There's no point doing that when you're not into it anymore.
My mind kept drifting as well to something that's going on in my life that's difficult and stirs up mixed emotions in me, one of which is anger.

I notice that more since I began doing the meditation daily a few days back: memories of less pleasant things coming up, sometimes things I had not thought of before, and the accompanying emotions which are often anger for me, and feeling wronged.

Then I'm thinking that's not so weird as with the meditations you tune into your future, into love, and if there's still stuff that's bothering you -even subconsciously- that has to come up. After all, all emotions are in the same cauldron. You cannot get to (higher) love and not see or feel negative emotions that are then not dealt with otherwise they wouldn't be an issue.
You cannot raise love and suppress these negative emotions at the same time as they're in the same pot.

So in that way it makes sense that I have stuff come up.

Another thing that was quite the wow thing...
Two days ago I woke up and I found myself thinking of working in a specific place. A travel agency that only does organised trips to the UK & Ireland. I've wanted to work there for years, if I am to be employed that is and not having my own business. At least then I get to do something with English (everything else here is German due to the overdose of German tourist 9 months a year).
And some that work for that agency get to make new trips, sometimes having to go to the UK & Ireland as well to sort those out, make deals with new B&B owners and so on.
Since I love English AND travel that's right up my alley!
But to wake up suddenly thinking of applying for a job there after 10+ years of benefit and not being able to work (physically) that was a huge WOW for me! I didn't even want to work anymore since I don't like 3D shizzel which always comes with work. Nor do I want to work a job I don't love. But this work I would love!
Nevertheless, I hadn't thought it'd be possible to ever work again with my ailments, so I never thought about it either.
And then to wake up with the vision of being at the job interview, literally SEEING it, unbelievable!!!
I really saw it, how confident I was as opposed to nervous and trying to make them see how good I was I was now like "how good are you for ME? What do YOU have to offer me as I'm not coming if it ain't good!"
I even had a salary pop up and them saying I cannot make demands as I haven't worked for so long and thus my resume isn't up to 3D speed. Me simply saying, "You want quality, I AM quality. If you cannot see that it's your loss, not mine!"
The salary thing I did the same as what my son has done, "I want EXXXX in my bank account. I don't care how much gross salary that is, but EXXXX is what I want in the bank each month."

It was the oddest thing to wake up with, haha.

The walking is also something. The beat is quite fast and you automatically step to the beat, also encouraged by Dr Joe.
At some point my lower back starts to object but his words help so much then to overcome that. Along the vein of, "Make your body follow your mind/will/future."
I then tune back into my future and good feeling and Heart space, taking focus off of my lower back and then suddenly the ache seems to have gone?

Things are shifting!

I'm even applying it with other things like the Fair Isle woolly hat I'm knitting. I haven't knitted in yonk as with my neck/shoulders that wasn't really an option anymore. But now I am doing it. And when my muscles and neck ache I again focus on my future, what I want, the freedom I want to feel in my body, and the aches subside! It then even lowers the volume of my tinnitus.
And Lo' and behold... I've been knitting bits and pieces for 5 days and I'm fine!!!??? Not as many hours as in the past (yet), but hotdang it, I'm doing it!

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Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity! Empty Re: How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity!

Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:31 am
I am still busy with it Happy Twice I missed 2 days of meditation and boy, can you tell that you begin to lose the higher vibe!!
So quickly went back to doing them. The reason for skipping was that I felt so good because of it and as such was busy with painting, knitting, and whatnot.
But even Joe Dispenza himself does it daily so it's not something you can let slip. I noticed that for sure!

I began implementing the breath during the beginning of the meditation. That was distracting as it's a bit awkward to use those muscles and hold them as you inhale. I almost felt like not doing that anymore.
Then I stumbled upon a vid in which Joe D. explains what breathing does and then what the breath does and why it is so important to the meditation. The convinced me to keep doing it.
Yesterday it went easier, contracting the muscles during the inhale wasn't all that hard anymore now that I knew why I had to do it.

Another peculiar thing that I haven't mentioned... Since I bought my 2 crystals skulls, which was around the same time I started these daily meditations, I've been seeing double digits way more often than ever before!
And that is still the case.
I used to regularly see them, but now it's several times a day and has been like that for almost 2 months now.
I'm clearly in the flow!
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Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity! Empty Re: How I'm Changing My Life! Neuroplasticity!

Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:33 pm
I was trying to keep at it with my meditation, doing it daily, but I was beginning to resent it a little. This because in the very beginning few weeks of doing it I was starting to feel so incredibly good that I got busy with doing thing I hadn't done in ages. Some I couldn't really do well anymore due to physical ailments and suddenly it did work!
And I wanted to do these things, create, etc. I've done 8 paintings from Jan 31 until Feb 28. I've never in my life made so many in such a short amount of time!
But it did mean I didn't feel like doing the meditation, taking time for that, as I simply wanted to paint!!

Also, I had some questions about certain things that I didn't understand the "why" of and if I don't understand something I can't really do it well. Certainly with a Joe D. meditation, I need to know where to guide my mind and energy and in order for that I need to understand the underlying reason.

Needless to say the effect of the meditation wore off too :/
But now today I happened to read his newsletter. Something I usually don't do as I get tons of newsletters that I would like to read, but yeah... too many, too little time...
But today I did. And I'm glad for it as it made me stumble upon another meditation. One that I'd seen before but never done: the blessing of the energy centres (BotEC).
There are 4 different ones that I found, No 2 is with symbols. That appealed to me! I am very visual, and I love symbols! Bummer was that that particular meditation was an hour and a half.
But then it turned out there first was half an hour of info and Joe D. explaining a lot of the things I was questioning! YAY! I took notes, hahaha.
Then 1,5 hrs meditation left. I decided to just go for it. Turned out the meditation was an hour long, there was another one after that (no clue which one).
But... this BotEC is amazing!!!
I noticed so many things for the first time now, imbalances in my system, blockages, etc. And I got to a real high vibration. It is simply stunning!
So for the coming time I'm going to do that meditation for sure, even though it's 15 mins longer than the other one.
It flies by to be honest, and it is really nice to go over each energy centre.

I feel inspired again, and now, having done it, I feel as good and wonderful as I did during the first weeks Happy
All in all I think it's good to go to another meditation occasionally, certainly if you feel the effect is wearing off.
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