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Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 57

Why say "I Am"? What's the power of it? Empty Why say "I Am"? What's the power of it?

Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:47 pm
The I Am state of being is very high vibrational. Meaning you have to get to a high vibration in order to get to it, to be able to feel it.
You can't just go from your 3D day to day life into "I AM" unless you are already very trained to do this.

What it is...
The I AM state of mind is the highest possible part of you, right 'below' the Divine.
In that sense it's higher up the ladder than the Higher Self.

When you can connect to your Higher Self you can take it to the next level to the I Am state.

The wonderful thing of that is that you then are so highly vibrational, I mean, 1 step below the Divine!!!, that you become part of the Quantum Field.
In that field there is no time, space, no limitations. All is One, All is Now, All is Possible.
It is incredibly liberating and in that state you can also heal any physical thing, provided you are in that state often enough.

You know Dr Joe, this is what the entire method of him is based upon. Getting you in Gamma brainwaves with his method, which is the same as the I AM state of mind.
So yes, being that high vibrational also shows up in the brain and can be measured.

The first time I experienced the "I AM" I was flying high! I felt so free & liberated!
All stress, worry, caring for XYZ, responsibilities and all the cr@p that comes with 3D life, falls away on the spot.

At the time I didn't know diddly about any of this which sometimes makes it easier to do.
We were told to only think and feel "I Am" and not "I am Crystal", I am a mother, I am a daughter, I am a friend and so on.
So to let go of any and all roles you take on in life. Just "I Am".
Immediately all the pressures that come from all the roles in life fell away and up I went (in vibration).

In witchcraft it's similar to "We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean"
From the Wiccan Rede.
Your a drop yet at the same time you are part of the ocean.
You are one, yet you are part of the Quantum Field.
You are connected to something bigger and higher.
Normally in day to day life we don't feel that, we think (think --> in the head) that we are individuals. We live like individuals in our concrete boxes.
If you can rise above that lower vibrational frequency of thinking that way, you get higher and higher and come to feel and see and sense that you are part of something bigger, a Unity, One with All that Is.

You may read similar stuff in the bible but that's just reading it. Than you only take it in as info, don't embody it.
When you're at "I Am" level you feel it, you are One with All That Is.

It's absolute bliss, that's why people at Joe Dispenza's weeklong who are in Gamma brainwaves (= I AM) have tears running from their eyes. Totally mesmerized and in awe of the beauty!
Being in the place where anything can be cleared, manifested, attracted and so on.

It's being in that field that Joe Dispenza and Esther Hicks (Abraham) speak of. It's that field where LoA works for you.

A long explanation, hope you don't mind. I wanted to make it a bit visceral, hope I succeeded.
Posts : 317
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 57

Why say "I Am"? What's the power of it? Empty Re: Why say "I Am"? What's the power of it?

Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:47 pm
To add to that...
With all of the above in mind, it is also very helpful to say "I Am" statements/affirmations provided they truly resonate with you.
As you'll know from Abraham Hicks, if there's even the slightest "I don't really believe it" coming up it is not a good affirmation.
It has to resonate 100%!

By saying "I AM" statements you directly connect to your Monad, which is that part directly below the Divine, or when religious, God.
The highest possible state of being without making your transition, connecting with your Divine Spark.

So that could be...
- I Am kind
- I Am grateful
- I Am joy
- I Am a good creator
- I Am a great gardener
- I Am loving
- I Am lovable

And like the focus wheels from Abraham Hicks you can build this up, getting higher and higher in vibration whilst doing this.
So eventually, when that happens, you may come to...
- I Am Grace
- I Am Love
- I Am Light

For me I can almost always say, without any resistance anywhere...
- I Am Lightworker (note that it's not 'a Lightworker').
- I Am Joy

These 2 lift me up immediately, even typing and thinking them now open my Heart chakra!
But that's because joy is my Soul's essence so it totally resonates, and I am a Lightworker. Something I also know, feel, sense to the core of my very Being.
So saying that doesn't go against any grain.

And when I think of saying that to someone else... nope! Doesn't work. Then the anticipation of judgement, criticism, sarcasm, disbelief etc. creeps in.
The platform for this stuff isn't really there among the masses...
That's why Abraham Hicks always tells you to NOT tell anyone about what you're doing until you're so stable and solid in your high vibration that nothing and no one can get you off that.
Which in day to day life isn't easy to come by.

If I'd say...
- I Am healthy...

Oops... doesn't work for me! I desperately want to be healthy, but I got too many ailments and stuff so saying that doesn't gel. So I won't say that as it'll lower my frequency as opposed to raise it.

I guess you get the picture Happy

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