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Lightworkers having it tough & Mother Earth no longer... Empty Lightworkers having it tough & Mother Earth no longer...

Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:23 pm
Lightworkers having it tough & Mother Earth no longer holding dense energy (keep reading for more).
Even though Merc Rx has passed for now, there's still a lot of chaos and dense energy whizzing round that may affect you even though you're a Lightworker since there's so so much!

Best way to not take it on is to focus on the positive and love and hold that vibration as much as you can.
We had the energies of today's Solstice building up and now we will soon get into the build-up of the Lion's Gate. Not quite yet, but we won't get much respite.
These days the high incoming energies are only getting higher as we can handle more, and also more frequent for the same reason.

From what I gathered it's a common thing at the moment for many Lightworkers to be tired, get a burn out even. Someone gave a workshop on that particular subject not that long ago to support Lightworkers with that, meaning it's a very contemporary topic.

The thing is also at the moment, and that is entirely new -both the event and the news- that Mother Earth isn't holding all the dense energies for us anymore like she's done for thousands of years. She held this in her waters and so on, and now she's letting this go as she too is ascending and shifting into a higher vibration.
Her connection with the planet's Crown is restoring (Alcyone) and in order to do that she has to let go of our old dense stuff.

That means all this old stuff is coming up as it's released and we feel that too, might even have a task in transmuting these energies, which will be enormous since it's from thousands of years.
And I guesstimate this also means we cannot simply 'dump' our energetic garbage into the Earth anymore which means we have to (learn to) deal with it ourselves.

So we're dealing with those old energies from us, held in the Earth, the high incoming energies, and our own shifts and changes which is our entire being. Meaning our energy & light bodies but also physical as our DNA and cells etc. are also changing and releasing things in order to allow more light in.
So it's plus, plus, plus.
In other words: a helluva lot!

Taking regular time-outs for yourself, esp. time in nature, and focusing on the positive, joy, and love as much as you can.

Heart Flowers

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