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People not Understanding Lightworkers Empty People not Understanding Lightworkers

Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:40 pm
Recently I came across a group of people on a forum that'd refer to themselves as spiritual, and they were discussing Lightworkers.
I was shocked by what they said.
It was suggested that Lightworkers feel superior to other people. And it was tied to mental illness, and they'd need medication. Another agreed wholeheartedly and said the repercussions of not taking medication could be devastating.
It was also said that Lightworkers and Starseeds use those labels and titles as escapism.

I couldn't believe it!!
So far I've never come across any Lightworker that felt superior to others. If you truly are a Lightworker you are too far evolved and have grown too much to feel that way.
None of the other things that were said are true. I have to say that you find a disturbing amount of people with mental health issues on a regular spiritual forum. But I don't think I've ever heard one call themselves a Lightworker. Often this is not even a topic on such forums or a very inactive one.

Mind you, I'm not saying Lightworkers are perfect and have reached the state of utter sheer bliss, hihi. I am a Lightworker, but I still have certain things to work out. Nothing wrong with that. But I HAVE come quite far on my Soul path so a lot I have dealt with.
I don't mind labels either. I've seen that discussion a lot on spiritual forums over the years. I don't see anything wrong with 'em. They make life easier and make conversation a lot clearer too. If we'd have to avoid every so called label it'd take forever to tell one otherwise simple thing to rephrase and avoid.

And the oddest thing of all... these people DO call themselves spiritual (judging the way they do isn't particularly spiritual), witches, pagans. Me was thinking, how's that for using labels?!

To end with:
I am a Lightworker and proud of it  Big Grin
It took me years to figure out what I am, and I searched and tried a lot of things, from healing, reading, hedgewitchcraft, and so on. None of these were 'me'.
The only one thing that I am is a Lightworker.

If you ever come across this judgement, know it's not you but just you having bumped into judgemental people.

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People not Understanding Lightworkers Empty Re: People not Understanding Lightworkers

Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:42 am
I don't know whether or not yet I am a lightworker. I'm learning... a LOT and much of lightworker information resonates strongly with me; but I dislike labels. I am a bit introverted with an INFJ personality type and I don't like attracting attention to myself for the most part; and labels seem to me to be a way of saying "look at me and recognize".

I too was very disappointed with a some spiritual discussion forums where I saw way too much judgementalism to feel confident I could learn much about ascension from them.
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Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

People not Understanding Lightworkers Empty Re: People not Understanding Lightworkers

Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:54 am
It takes time. First of all to find out and know & feel what you are.
Took me quite some time too to get it clear.
At first I thought I'd be a healer because I had a very strong interest in medical healthcare all my life. So I figured that would spill over in my spiritual path. I guess that was the head with its thinking Happy
But I quickly learnt that healing (energetically) wasn't my thing at all. Reading is much more my thing, and that I could not have fathomed beforehand.
Then there was witchcraft. Learnt a lot from that, but in the end it began to feel as too small a pair of shoes. I sensed there was much more!
So I've gone from all kinds of things to finding the one thing that does feel right: Lightworker!

As for saying to other people... that always is difficult as even when there's no judgement, many won't even know what that is. So then you have to explain, and usually that means explaining things to people who do not understand. Not great to do as you will feel their interest slip real fast and become like, "yeah yeah, blablabla".
Which is how it tends to go with family, haha.
So I don't go about life telling everyone I'm a Lightworker. But I now know I am, that makes all the difference in the world! Simply knowing who you are, what you stand for etc. and that gives you confidence which you exude and which can positively affect connections.

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