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Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:21 am
Tonight I came across 2 ocean jasper hearts that really appealed to me. I decided to get them both. They should arrive on Tuesday, provided postal services are not backed up.

It is peculiar as I never liked ocean jasper, and I still don't like the typical type that is usually green with the beige rounds in it. For some reason that type puts me off.
But they found a different variety some 2 years ago in Madagascar at least, and I got 2 freefroms of those and one gorgeous pink speckled and striped flame.One of the freeforms has aqua blue, lilac, bit of yellow etc. Just unbelievable that Mother Nature makes it like that!

The hearts I now bought are not like the green with round spots. One is ochre yellow with red and dark pink, the other green-blue with dark red.
But since I never liked jasper, regardless the variety, it's interesting to see that change.

Now waiting for them to arrive... I'm an impatient gal, hihi.
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Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:47 pm
My 2 ocean jasper hearts came in today!
Totally happy with them! One is yellow with pink/red, the other aqua with red, slightly different from what I posted earlier, but exactly what I'd hope them to be in real life Big Grin

Right now carrying the yellow one with me. I feel I need the warmth and love it exudes.

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Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:54 am
I bought a gorgeous Spirit Quartz on the online Mineral Fair yesterday!
I never felt drawn to them even though I appreciated looking at them.
Then I saw them yesterday and suddenly one stood out, instant connection. It felt like she was flirting with me Chuckle
It has a very sweet, childlike yet feminine, happy energy.
She's not here yet, hopefully tomorrow as the seller posted it yesterday.
I can't wait!
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Age : 58

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Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:30 pm
I had an appointment at 1 to have a look at a few crystals I was interested in. It was great, wonderful lady, great conversation, really good vibe. Cup of coffee, going through the crystals, not sure about one that I had been thinking about which was a freeform lepidolite tourmaline. Another one was a chevron amethyst flame. But that one wasn't it, I knew that the second I saw it.
Then I spotted another, and that one had to come!
A light green freeform with some 4/5th white 'feathers' in it, the bottom part was clear. I asked what it was, and she said fluorite. As I held it, my Solar Plexus went nuts, hihi. It has a very soft yet strong, feminine energy, and also angelic due to the 'feathers'.
While I was there we were chit-chatting, and I told her I didn't at all feel happy and at home anymore on the island where I'm living. I'm from another province originally, and I just don't resonate with the people here. She told me to send that into the Cosmos and I told her I'd done that but then there's always the mental stuff, the "yeah buts".
She gifted me two Beta quartzes which are very powerful. You have to hold one in each hand and feel that do its work. They have the natural shape of an octaedron, are from Indonesia.

Then I pay and leave. Sitting in the car at the parking lot I feel the other one that I had doubts about -the lepidolite tourmaline- calling. Very strongly.
Okay. Back we go! Haha. And I bought that too Happy I got a little discount on that one.

And now back home, SUPER SUPER HAPPY!!! That lepidolite tourmaline that I went back for seems to be much brighter and colourful here than in her showroom? Never had that before.
I had a great trip!
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Sun May 09, 2021 6:17 pm
I bought a sun flame citrine that arrived yesterday!
It is a new find from Brazil and so far only a small find. The energy is different from regular citrine although it also has some of those qualities.
They're not necessarily visually aesthetic, but it's energy work, right.
They have coding lines on the sides and top and the sides go into the tables in a round way, quite unusual but pleasant when you rub over the coding and rounded edge.
In any case, it hit me like a brick!
Very happy with it!
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Sun May 23, 2021 5:56 pm
So happy!! I went to the crystal shop and it was awesome!
They had 2 new types of fluorite, one of which is from South-Africa and the reason I wanted to go over.
One of these that was photographed for their website appealed tremendously, hit me to the core. And I thought, "If it is truly meant for (it felt like that) it will still be there on Sunday when I go."
So... I ask where these new fluorites are, I walk to them, glance over the South-African ones, and YESSS!!! There it is!!!
Well, not anymore, haha. It belongs with me and is now here with happy me!

Another one they had new the other day... Ma-Na-Stone. Very rare and likely won't be another batch. But they had sold. I knew that, but I asked anyway. She said one woman had bought everything they'd still had :o She wasn't too happy about it as many customers had wanted one.
But... turned out she'd kept one back, thinking to give it to a friend. Well... that one is now with me too! And I got it for a very friendly price, the last Ma-Na-Stone!! Maybe the last one ever for sale, hihi.

Unexpectedly bumped into one of the other new type of fluorite. That type is from Argentina and didn't appeal. But this one did!! White, with white layers & lines (semi-transparent). I immediate felt feminine energy, High Priestess energy, and I saw a High Priestess close to a South-American pyramid! The crystal is a pathfinder, lighting up my path, something like that. And celebrating life, together with other people. Wowza... Immediate channeling with a crystal!

Then two aragonite stars, one brown, one light green. Remarkably cheap! I had wanted those, so yes, it has been a great afternoon!

Big Grin sunny
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Age : 58

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Thu Sep 30, 2021 1:10 pm
A lot of crystals arrived over the last couple of months. It was insane. Every time I thought, "It's been enough now!" there was something else that came through.
Aside from my 4 Phoenix crystal skull -which I addressed in a separate topic- I got 2 strawberry quartz crystal skulls in.
First a smaller one, but it wasn't enough, I felt there was another one out there that I needed. And I found it real fast. It was larger, now the largest skull I got, and gorgeous!
It arrived within 5 days from Canada. The seller didn't believe me at first, haha. The skull was seriously in a hurry to get here!
The smaller one took its time to arrive. Both are wonderful, and both totally different in energy.
The small one seems to really resonate with the Phoenix skulls, the larger one is more solitary, although it resonates well with my white jade crystal skull.

As it is I'm good. No urges, no craving.
Oh, I also got a new variety of rainbow calcite wand! This type has a deep yellow upper part. So it goes from yellow, black band, green/honey calcite, red calcite at the bottom. The first time I saw these I was sold.
Your latest Purchase Regenboog-calciet-18-8-4040-350x233

So I have a number of favourites to hold at the moment! The rainbow calcite, the small strawberry skull, any of my Phoenixes.
I need more hands, haha.

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Age : 58

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Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:26 pm
I bought a Z-stone (star shaped prophecy stone) since I got the rainbow calcite.
And also a Blue Mist Lemurian point from Colombia Happy I was curious about this one as I wasn't sure what it would do for me, yet I kept looking at them.

When it arrived I took it out without looking at it, deciding to first hold it and see if I got anything from it. I'd never done that before and as per usual I didn't get anything that way, haha. I need the visual for my intuition to really kick in!
So I looked at it, looked at the mist, and suddenly... "It ISpossible!". Kind of with the feeling of "I CAN do it!!!"
Immediately with that I got emotional as it made so much sense to me since I'm a bit stuck with my goals and dreams at the mo. And also working on my health.

Then a few days ago...  I was watching a movie, totally relaxed with a relaxed kitten in my lap, holding my Blue Mist in my left hand.
Suddenly I notice my hand is buzzing with the energies of the crystal! That made me smile Happy

I hold it quite a lot. It's so wonderfully smooth! And I know many crystals are smooth of course, but this one is different. It's like it's extra smooth, haha.
In any case, happy with it!

To give you an idea of Blue Mist Lemurian... here is one. This one is not mine. This is a top quality, the best looking one I've seen so far.
Your latest Purchase Il_794xN.3386653124_zfsb
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Your latest Purchase Empty White Amethyst, Empowerment Crystal

Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:03 pm
After a lot of thinking I bought a white amethyst from Brazil, what the shop has called "recovery stone".
It arrived yesterday late afternoon and the moment I saw it I felt it was much prettier than on the 6 photos in the webshop. I was instantly pleased and happy!

Then not much later I tuned into the sphere, and what it does energetically is astounding!
Actually the complete opposite of what the shop info says, info channelled by the woman working there, the one I do not resonate with. I don't resonate with most of her channellings on the new shop crystals either which is the reason I now do it myself Happy

They called it recovery stone, based on her channelling, I'd call it empowerment stone or something like that.
Recovery means inward going energy to recover, that's what her channeling said too: the crystal being like a recovery room after operation where you can rest and restore.
But it does the opposite! It inspires you to open the windows, to let the Light in, to let yourself be seen. So an OUTward going energy. And a very powerful one at that. It's like bursting open because the energy and inspiration behind it is so vast!
Then, if you're ready for it, and your energy system is as well, it draws energy up from your Earth Star, your goldprint in there with your full potential this life, and it goes up touching esp. the Throat chakra, then filling the Causal chakra, and when that's full the Soul Star. When that's full up it shoots straight through the Stellar Gateway to the Antakharana Bridge where the Seraphim come in to help it along, all the way to Source.

The Soul Star has a lot to do with your talents and skills and wisdom, from this life and also from past lives, but there's also a layer of ancestral and family Karma there. If that hasn't been cleared yet, it may take a bit of time before the energy of the crystal and from your Earth Star can shoot up through the Stellar Gateway as it first has to fill up the Soul Star with its energy. And it cannot do that until most of the clutter on the Soul Star has been cleared.

Anywho, it is gorgeous! Much more clear part in it than I expected and it is indeed has an awful lot of rainbows! I LOVE rainbows and is likely why it goes all the way to and across the Antakharana Bridge.

Some photos so you have an idea. Do notice the light amethyst tinges. On the other photo you can see a clear long piece of amethyst:

Your latest Purchase Witte-amethist-19-11-2900..

Your latest Purchase Witte-amethist-19-11-8820..
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Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:48 pm
They added blue Paraiba quartz flame to the webshop (can't currently visit due to lockdown) and there was one that really stirred something inside of me.
These crystals aren't new, they had or have had them before, but not these flames and these were really beautiful. The pieces they had before never interested me much, but these...!!

And this one I bought was totally gorgeous.
The odd thing is, I felt a few days ago that I need aqua & turquoise & indigo blue. Your basic colour therapy, which I love as well btw.
But that colour is all about finding out who you are, what you stand for, creativity (= authentic expression), being authentic, freedom, and so on.
And at the mo I really need that colour, to inhale it, steep myself in it. For instance by looking at photos of Chefchouen, the blue city in Morocco, crystals, the things I have in that colour, and so on.

But this blue Paraiba quartz flame I bought has all the shades of blue that I love and right now need so much. The turquoise/aqua, indigo, darker blue, light blue.
So this time I didn't need to think for long! I bought it without any doubt Happy I did feel rushed, fearing someone else would be me to it, but then there was the thought if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

As for the white amethyst sphere I posted about before... that was a very good decision too! I am enjoying its energies so much, holding it a lot.
When looking at it you'd think it's clear crystal, although upon close inspections you can detect a few light purple spots. But when I took a photo in the evening with flash you could clearly see lavender swirls all over! Way more than I had expected.
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Sat Feb 12, 2022 7:33 pm
So now the shop has these back in stock. Grmble... hihi.
Many times have I been drooling over them, and then it's always a choice between the other crystals I want and an Andes opal as they're not cheap.
I was kind of done spending money for now, so the timing of them being available isn't handy
I think I'm in love though!

Your latest Purchase HV6xMge
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Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:36 pm
Another one from Pakistan: green nephrite jade, and damn is it beautiful!
I had decided to let it go by, but last night I changed my mind and chose a beautiful piece Happy
Thing is, I love jade, hihi. Mostly white / whitish jade, but these green pieces from Pakistan are so gorgeous with their emerald colours that I couldn't resist.

Now for finding info on how it is different in energy from Chinese green jade... I guess I will have to feel that myself.
So far not even attempted to do that as I was totally out of whack with storm Eunice battering the country yesterday.
So far I have to say that crystals from Pakistan do have a different impact and feel than Brazilian, Chinese etc.

It's supposed to arrive Tuesday!

a few examples
Your latest Purchase Jade-free-13-2-3260-1-350x350 Your latest Purchase Jade-free-13-2-4840..-2-350x233 Your latest Purchase Jade-free-13-2-3030-350x350
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Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:38 pm
I keep looking at the photos of the piece I bought, especially one side of it. It's SO beautiful and has so much depth!
It reminds me of something, yet I cannot get clear what.

Compared to Chinese green jade, I only have the small 3cm tumble of that, but that feels more distant, colder. You have to make a bit of an effort to connect with it.
This Pakistan green jade is warm, open, exudes its power freely, and thus it's there with all its power smack in your face, whether you like it or not, hihi.
I do like it!
It is emerald green, has lighter green tiny spots that seem to be lit up, a bit darker green jade (spinach jade) etc.
This one side just draws me in.
Its various colours etc...

Very strong connection to nature. Logical because of all the green, but you can also feel a connection to water so it's not just green plants and trees.
The water is because some pieces have these white-green lines that look like crashing waves seen from above.

Whenever I have a crystal with this strong nature feel it draws me right back to past life/lives, the Nottingham Forest time or even longer ago, when we lived closer with -and in- nature.
It makes me feel SO at home, where I belong, free, happy, home.
Some forests can give me that feeling as well. Especially when they have smaller winding paths.

In any case, very much looking forward to its arrival!
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Age : 58

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Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:41 pm
I sure as hell can say this is VERY powerful green jade!
I did a meditation, after I'd done an energy routine on getting stuck energies from the heart. Not in one go, about an hour and a half in between.
The meditation was supposed to be a Metatron Heart Opening transmission but I bounced off it to 'travel' elsewhere, and holy cow!
I went all the way to Metatron's Temple, and all that happened there... amazing!
It turned out to be related to releasing old trauma from the Fall of Atlantis. Apparently I had walls in my heart to protect myself from falling so deep again, meaning I don't go for things this life but hold back.
Not sharing the whole story, too long. But in the end the jade crystal I bought was placed in my heart for further healing.
I'm still sort of off this planet, it was incredibly powerful!

All that impact and the green jade hasn't even arrived yet.
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Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:56 pm
Now they have banded onyx from Pakistan. I wasn't too interested until I took a look at them on Etsy and there they have PINK banded onyx from Pakistan, and OMG!!!
They are yummie! After a lot of searching I found a Dutch shop selling some pieces. I will likely get one.
Reason for that is how they make me feel. I even dreamt of them last night? I've NEVER had that happen before! Dreamt of these pink banded onyxes and Venus. I'm thinking they likely have a very strong Venus connection otherwise it wouldn't have come up.
Currently in two minds between 3 hearts, hihi.

And must say it remains unclear whether it is onyx or calcite. Some say it's called onyx but actually is calcite. Another said it's sold as calcite everywhere but he suspects it's actually onyx.
Maybe it's a bit of both in one?
He also said that they were found in 2019 and now not found so much anymore. That could explain why the ones in the shop I usually buy from didn't have pieces online with so much pink?
But then, how do sellers on Etsy get hold of these?

In any case, I cannot recall dreaming of a crystal before.

Well, I decided on a the heart I wanted to get and bought it! With that there was peace inside.
I got one with a whole lot of pink, I think 2/3rd of it Happy

What stands out is that I'm currently getting a lot of pink and/or heart crystals in. The green nephrite jade too, the pink Andes opals, 2 rosophia tumbles, and so on.

To give you an idea what this crystal looks like:

Your latest Purchase Pink-calcite-palm-stones-v2_1800x1800

Your latest Purchase PCT2-3_1800x1800
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