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Soulmate, Twin Flame etc connections Empty Soulmate, Twin Flame etc connections

Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:48 pm
Soulmates are people that are closer to you than others. Not on a personal level but a higher level, hence "soul mate".
Soulmates aren't necessarily your romantic partner. You have many soulmates, your parents, children, friends, oftentimes colleagues as well. And sometimes people who enter your life for a few minutes or days only.
They can still be soulmates, the encounter brings you something you need in your life to grow and evolve.

Often you've been together with your Soulmates in previous lives, so when you meet one you may immediately feel comfortable and even like "I know you?!" while you've never seen them before in your life.

So some are closer to you -like a partner and the ones you had-, children, parents, and others that aren't quite that close like a new person that enters your life for a shorter period of time.

There are other types of soul connections like the Twin Soul, Twin Flame, Twin Ray.
Different ballgame.
Especially Twin Soul can be quite chaotic, not necessarily an easy connection. You are closer with them than a Soulmate, so the highs are higher but the lows are also lower. You often mirror each other -through which you grow & learn- but in spite of the higher love it can also be way more confrontational.

You also have more than 1 Twin Soul but they're still not necessarily your partner although I do think it happens a lot that people get involved with one and then have a turbulent relationship.
These love relationships aren't easy, as I explained, and don't always last.

I think these relationships are often mistaken for Twin Flame ones as there is the intense connection here as well, but still not as high vibrational as the Twin Flame. And it is difficult to distinguish one from the other based on words until you have actually found your Twin Flame. Only then can you tell the difference as you've experienced it.

The purpose of Twin Soul is also different from that of Twin Flames.
Basically the idea is for these Twin Soul connections to prep you for more, -not necessarily in love but on a personal development level. That's why you get mirrored and triggered a lot, all opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve. But this is of course always a choice. It's an opportunity, you do not have to accept that invite.
You can go through a couple of Twin Soul relationships, each one offering different lessons via mirroring and triggering, so a variety of opportunities for you to grow.
It is my personal belief that this is why many these days go through a number of love relationships as opposed to staying in one for life. Many don't understand, judge this and call it 'relationship hopping', bailing out too soon etc. etc. but that's not always the case. And what I mentioned above is often behind it: the urge and wish from the Soul to evolve and to do so this lifetime so you can also make the shift into 5D which is so important now.
It means that this lifetime you have to -and get the chance to- evolve much faster, go through stuff that used to take many lifetimes in order to get ready for the jump-shift.

Even though these connections can be very turbulent, we should be grateful for what they offer us. And for how they help purge us from things that do not truly serve our highest good.
I guess a matter of 'tough love'.

Twin Flame... You only have 1 Twin Flame that has incarnated with you this lifetime. You do have 12 total, so 11 more but these have not incarnated.
Not everyone is ready or destined to meet their Twin Flame this life.
Twin Flames have a specific purpose when they come together, which is service work. This is 5D+ , which means you have to be ready for that. You need to have worked through most of your issues, dealt with all the smaller "me's" (lower ego reactions and hurt inner children) etc. etc.

Even though more and more people get or have gotten to this level, it still doesn't happen very often.
Millions of people claim to be a Twin Flame yet when you hear or read their stories you can tell they're still struggling with many issues and problems in life. You cannot be a Twin Flame (yet) in that case.
The concept has been romanticised, has been made out to be the ultimate love experience by people who do not understand it.

Simply put Twin Flames are 2 people who have done the work -not just this lifetime- and have dealt with most of their personal & 3D issues. They've healed most of their hurt inner children and have risen in vibration, gotten close to or at 5D. As such they're ready to do service work, which is anything and everything that comes from the Heart and helps the planet & everything on it, incl. mankind.
Sometimes they do something specifically for that, maybe through work and activities, but even if Twin Flames don't do that, they still help and uplift as their own vibration is so high. And when they're together it gets even higher, sometimes called 'the third energy'.  

Their relationship is interdependent.
They can have that as their egos aren't in the way.
There's no need to latch on to the other, no desire -consciously or subconsciously- to change the other. You accept them 'as is' even if they have traits that to you are alien or somewhat odd. But the accepting also goes for the physical, like someone's age or looks.
You won't feel jealous either with your Twin Flame. The love and connection between you runs so deep there is simply no need for jealousy. Plus at this level of connection you're above such lower ego reactions.

The trouble with Twin Flames...
In case they meet you often see that either one or both aren't truly ready yet for this high vibrational connection.
In that case there will be the incredibly high love, the immediate Soul connection that touches your core, but there will also be a lot of triggering.
When both are ready for this connection there is NO triggering, if one or both aren't ready there's a lot of it.
In such cases you do get ego reactions like jealousy, latching on to, running away from, and so on.

The best thing to do in these cases is to not stay together, but breaking up is incredibly hard as you know at a deeper level that you're meant for one another. Unfortunately not yet, maybe not ever this lifetime.
And the part of personality that is not ready yet will also object to breaking up, shift into fear. Fear of abandonment or fear of commitment. Again a clear sign that there are still too many ego issues to sustain a high connection like the Twin Flame one.
This results in a lot of push & pull and turbulence and unhappiness, and usually breaking up after all.

But again, Twin Flame connections do not occur nearly as often as people claim. It is still relatively rare, and to have it work out is even rarer.
You will also rarely hear of Twin Flames that are happily together. They don't tend to seek the spotlight, unless that's part of their service work, but then the spotlight isn't on them but their work.
Otherwise they are to busy living a fulfilling, happy life together to bother with all the to-do around Twin Flames. Often they don't even know they are Twin Flames, nor do they care when you want to talk about it with them.

I do think in the very near future it will become more frequent and also easier for Twin Flames to meet and stay together and do their service work. Possibly after 2032.
Remember, contrary to popular belief it is not about a love connection, it's about the purpose of that love connection: high vibrational service work.

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