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Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Thunder Egg (star agate) Empty Thunder Egg (star agate)

Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:51 pm
I've felt drawn to Uluru Amulet Stones for years, which is also called star agate and some refer to them as thunder eggs.
Since I've lived in the Aboriginal community next to Uluru the energies resonated greatly with me, even though the stones aren't from Uluru itself but usually from Mt Hay in Queensland.
But energetically it's connected. I had the same with Opal Chalcedony. The second I picked it up I felt the oh-so familiar Australia AND Uluru energy. They didn't know where it came from but I looked it up online: some 500 miles north of Perth! So my intuition had been correct, Australian stone, and I'm certain also energetically connected to Uluru as I clearly felt that.
I think it's similar with the Uluru Amulets from Mt Hay.

In any case, I have 2 tumbles of it. I always look at them in the shop, wanting more, but the darned things are not cheap. Not even in that shop which doesn't ask top dollar. My largest tumble was around E10, another Dutch shop sells that size for... E30!!!

And of course I suddenly felt I needed another one. The feeling remained strong so I began looking for one. In the end I found one on Etsy that made my heart jump for joy! It is simply gorgeous!! I didn't even know they could look like that.
Now it isn't an AUS one, this one is from the US, New Mexico, near the Mexican border I think. The seller found it where he often searches for them, then sells them on after polishing them. This one he found as a half and since it was so beautiful he took it with him, polished it, and now it's on its way to me!

The price was very affordable, if you live in the US you can just get one that's 5cms large -so way bigger than a tumble- for E17, and choice from the most beautiful pieces. Quite insane that we have to pay twice that for a mere tumble over here?
Now I don't live in the US so I had additional cost: shipment & VAT which together are more than the price of the stone. (ridiculous world we live in isn't it!) And even then it's cheaper for such a large piece than I could ever find over here. IF I could even find one that size I guesstimate it would cost me E80 or more (Euro is about the same as USD).

In any case, enough about that. It's on its way, I'm SO looking forward to it!
I need the earthly energy for some reason. And I wonder if it vibrates with my Uluru Amulets.
Judy Hall makes a distinction between thunder eggs and Uluru Amulet Stone in her Bible 3. Also the properties she describes are somewhat different even though she's talking about Australian stones for both. Mine is from the US so bound to have some different energy.
Wait and see.
Very excited!

sunny Big Grin sunny
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