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Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Spirit IS Listening & Helping! Empty Spirit IS Listening & Helping!

Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:38 pm
I have so much to tell that I don't know where to begin and to not overwhelm people I decided to not post. To be honest, I was so excited and enthusiastic I didn't even know how to put it into words, hihi.
I wanted to share it on my YouTube channel, but again, didn't know where to begin, how to properly & clearly convey it.
Now I wish to share a bit of what's been happening.

The other day during a guided meditation by Diana Cooper we visited the Intergalactic Council (amongst other things).
There we petitioned for things for the world and you could also petition for something you yourself needed and wanted.

I asked for improvement of the relationship with my daughter. She is angry with me, doesn't want to be in touch anymore, so I don't see/speak her but also miss out on my li'l granddaughter of now 10 months.
I've only seen the wee one 3x, shortly after birth.
All I see of her are photos that my mum sends me.

Within 2 days (!!!!) after that petitioning my daughter contacted me via WhatsApp. She said, in case you're wondering how E (grandchild) is doing... and told me briefly and included a photo.
We exchanged a bit more, very superficial, only about her daughter, my grandchild. In the end I dared ask for more photos and I got them!
A few more short exchanges, then silence.
But there's hope!

I also petitioned to get total perfect health. (I have chronic ailments that make my life difficult) And if not possible or not the way to simply heal me as if by magick, to show me the way what I can do in order to heal.

Lo' and behold... since then I've come across so much! I don't even know how anymore, it's Spirit at work for sure, hihi.
First I found Crappy Childhood Fairy on YouTube. I wasn't looking for it, never heard of her before. Somehow it came up.
I watched a few vids, she mentioned the name of another woman, Irene Lyon who has developed material in trauma healing.
To be clear, trauma can create all kinds of ailments and dis-eases.
I've had more than my fair share of trauma in life. Enough to serve at least 10 people, hihi.
So I checked Irene out. Free vids by her on her site, then came across the basis of her method:
Polyvagal therapy.

A name so I could search for more material as the course Irene offers is way above my budget. Those of Crappy Childhood Fairy too. Due to my ailments I cannot work so I have a very small budget.

So I found the name of the woman who basically coined a polyvagal therapy method, Deb Dana. A man invented it, she fine-tuned it.
And... she has a ton of books on it!
Yup, I bought one!

And I came across another one by someone else on the Vagus Nerve (has a lot to do with trauma) and chakras, connecting both.
I bought that too!
And hotdangit, that book is SO good!
I've once done a course on the Nervus Vagus, not a cheap one either, but I still didn't understand the full workings afterwards. Still had lots of questions.
This books explains it to a T! Even if you know nothing, have never even heard of the Nervus Vagus you can read this and understand it 100%!

***I wonder if I can get a refund of that Nervus Vagus course? hihi. Would mean some  $500 back in my pocket!***

Diana Cooper is offering a guided meditation in March on total cell healing. Yup, I'm going to do that one. I do most of her meditations, but sure as heck want this one!

Then to top it off I just had an email from Natalie Ledwell, inventor of the MindMovies method that even Dr Joe Dispenza uses in his week longs.
A free course.
Not directly aimed at healing yourself, but more at how to successfully start your business. I'm going to check it out regardless!
MindMovies are great!
I've done that in the past when she was still trying to get recognition, when it was new and she offered lots of free material on it.
I still must have some of it on my HD.

Then I stumbled upon a Dutch woman who's invented a method to heal from trauma, specifically for women. A method to heal your body after trauma as it affects and gets stored in the body, causing illnesses.
I had never heard of her before, nor do I know how I came upon her website. It just happened!
Now her courses are again too expensive, but... she wrote a book!
More reading to be done as yes, I bought that too!
The book wasn't for sale in regular book stores, or costing $100 (you kidding me?!). On her own website it cost $32 plus shipment.
Me thinking, lets check out MarketPlace (Dutch Ebay type site) for 2nd hand.
And yup! Found one in good state for $15!!!
Someone had offered 10, I offered what she asked, $15 with a personal message as to why I really wanted the book. Deal!
I got it in 2 days later Big Grin

In short.... I asked for help, guidance if I had to do it myself to bring me things that work. And I GOT IT! In abundance!
Everything is working out for me! Spirit listened and is helping.
I was and am thrilled! I feel I finally am getting to the core of curing my ailments and with that closer to healing than ever before!

Trauma can seriously wreak havoc on the body, and often people have seen therapist after therapist and nothing helps.
Yup. That's how it's been for me since my accident in 2012!
Polyvagal therapy should be the answer. It's resetting your traumatised nervous system.
For the first time in yonks I'm feeling hope again!

Ever since I've come across all of the above I've been reading, doing exercises, more reading...
I've decided to stick to one book and not do my usual thing: all over the place, a bit of this, a bit in that book, then the other book and back.

Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts Hearts
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