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Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Are you a multi-talented or a specialist? Empty Are you a multi-talented or a specialist?

Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:54 pm
Do you recognise that, having difficulty following any one method, belief, or even just a career that has you doing one thing only, day in day out?
Maybe you are a multipotentialite, or multi-faceted person, meaning you're wired differently from so called 'specialists'!

Finding out what to believe in and what not is a journey, a discovery, of Self mostly.
I've done a great many things myself, at first thinking, "This is what I am!" and "This is for me!" only to find out it isn't 'it'.
I too see things missing from most methods. What I began doing -not consciously really- is just do all these different things, take from it what resonates and dump the rest, then move to the next thing in time.
I have the same thing with holding a job. I can't do the same thing for weeks, months, years on end. I lose interest, I want variety and not doing the same job all day long. To me that's boring and eventually -usually 2-3 months- it begins to wear me out. Continuing to do so would cause health issues and affect my sense of happiness & well-being.

From all what I've done I've created my own unique blend. I'm not a person to follow / do any single method. That's just not me.
Apparently more and more people -I think mostly the Lightworkers- are like that. They're called 'multi-faceted', or 'multipotentialite'.
The other group are 'specialists'.

In essence a healthy society as a whole, but also within a group or business, has both. Specialists and multipotentialites complement each other.
And what I've found, being a multi-faceted person myself, it is not something you can change. It grates on you when you try to be a specialist as that's not who you are. I guesstimate it goes the other way round just the same, that a specialist cannot flourish if they'd have to be a multipotentialite.

Multipotentiality is the state of having many exceptional talents, any one or more of which could make for a great career for that person.

Many multipotentialites made a lucrative business by combining their various skills into something entirely new, and... unique!
I think for most multipotentialites it'd be difficult to get a normal job as I doubt there are many jobs that would allow the space to implement your many abilities & skills, which is the one thing that makes you feel fulfilled.
As such, I think many would either 'hop jobs' or start their own business, maybe next to a part-time job.

If you recognise this by all means read more about it! There are different types of multipotentialites too, you see. Some need to do a job for a few months or years, then change to something entirely different. Others prefer / need to do various things in one, and so on.


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