Ascension Light Forum
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Posts : 335
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

Hello, thanks for having me Empty Re: Hello, thanks for having me

Tue Dec 14, 2021 5:32 pm
Welcome here on the forum, Seahag!
Posts : 14
Join date : 2021-12-13
Age : 52
Location : Minnesota/USA

Hello, thanks for having me Empty Hello, thanks for having me

Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:11 am
I go by SeaHag online; but I'm no old witch of the sea, as in the old Popeye cartoons. Tongue

Rather it's a play on words involving my real name; as my first initial is C. and I was once a member of the US Navy.  

I'll be 50 y.o. in a few more months; and I'd say my awakening started roughly a decade ago.  I guess my first taste of the esoteric was the documentary "What the Bleep do we Know".  From there I was referred to Dr. Joe Dispenza who really resonated with his empowering teachings.  Through his alliances with Dr. Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton I gained further insight into the power of our thoughts.  Dr. Wayne Dyer then took up a bunch of my study time for a while...Then Ram Dass, a little Eckart Tolle and on and on down the rabbit hole I go. Tongue
Some months back I started seeing the term "Lightworker" and went in search of it's meaning.  While searching I came across this video: which filled in a lot of details and also resonated with me.  So I have been following Lee Carroll's channelings of Kryon for the past few months.  Several of his messages have been uplifting and enlightening to me; and seem to birth some synchronicities in my life.. This one just this morning seemed to have very fortuitous timing for the thoughts I'd been struggling with.  

I have always been intellectually stimulated with a wide ranging curiosity; but in the past two to three years I've had a compulsion to seek out more spiritual and esoteric material.  I want to grow and be of service; but I also feel out of place amongst my peers for having these interests.  I don't feel I can talk to most of my friends about this stuff; and at times my very supportive wife even looks at me like I'm losing my mind. Chuckle

In search of a place with like-minded people, I found the Spiritual Forums where I came across FairyCrystal, who invited me to this forum.  I feel like I have a ways to go in this awakening; so I don't know how much I can offer.  But I hope to find a place where I can discuss these 'strange' thoughts without the judgement I expect I'd find in society at large.
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