Ascension Light Forum
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Join date : 2020-11-04
Location : West-Europe

Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Thu Nov 05, 2020 4:02 pm
When registering as a member you decare to agree with the rules below that apply to this forum.
Once registered the admin has to activate your account, and then it is possible to post in the forums.

Membership & Forum Behaviour
We ask that members remain civil and respectful to one another. That means abusive, derogatory, and discriminating behaviour and language is not allowed. The same goes for pornographic material / language.
Swearing, insulting or attacking another, abuse, will be dealt with. This is either editing or removal of the post, and possible consequence for the poster.

Forum Vibe:
This is meant to be a place of joyful sharing and togetherness among Lightworkers. There is no place for derailing the good vibration and pleasure of other people. A warning will be given and if need be a ban. The aim of the forum is to create and keep a safe place.

Personal Data:
Be aware that what you post is out there for the public. You are responsible for what you post and share.
Posting private info like email addresses, home address, phone nrs and the like is not allowed and will be removed.

Property & Copyright
- If you decide to leave the forum you posting will not be deleted.
- If you post text from someone else, bear in mind there often is a copyright on it. It is allowed to post a small part of this and then link to the page where the rest can be read.
- You are responsible for breaking copyright rules.

Miscelaneous (not less important!)
- discussing decisions of the team in the forums is not allowed and will be removed.
- Discussing conversations that took place via PM or another forum/social media site is not allowed.
- Harassing people via PM is not the idea. This includes trying to get members to your site or shop or forum.
 If you do receive such PMs please inform the admin or mod.

Links & Commerial
The forum is not a billboard and any commercial links or messages with the goal to sell a product, serve, get members to go to another site -albeit your own or not- is not allowed and will be removed.
It IS allowed to post links that happen to be to a commercial site PROVIDED it has functionality and adds to the conversation. That means it is NEVER to sell or advertise a product or service. This allows to link to a great article that relates to a conversation but is on a website that happens to also sell a book or ... or... That is considered "functional"

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