Ascension Light Forum
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Posts : 335
Join date : 2020-11-05
Age : 58

A warm welcome!! Empty Re: A warm welcome!!

Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:28 pm
I love coming here! Whenever I have a bit of a dip I come here and I immediately feel better! The header, the warm yellow, I love it. I'm very sensitive to colours and it's like a warm bath.
So far the forum has not been promoted at all so as it is I'm happily posting here on my own. If someone -or more someones- would like to join me I'd of course be very happy!
Posts : 24
Join date : 2020-11-04
Location : West-Europe

A warm welcome!! Empty A warm welcome!!

Thu Nov 05, 2020 6:34 pm
Ascension Light Forum is brand-new! I''ve only started it last night and it's being fine-tuned as we speak.
But... I've done my best so most of the topics I want are already there! I have not advertised it anywhere just yet, but if you find it and feel resonance, by all means sign up.

My goal is to have a safe warm haven for people that resonate with the higher energies and that are looking for a place to land. There aren't too many for us Lightworkers and high(er) vibration people, so by all means feel at home.

Welcome home
Angel ~ Ascension Light Team
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